Opening Hours

We are open 8am - 5:00pm Monday to Thursday, and 8am - 4pm on Fridays. Our core hours are 9am - 3pm and we operate an Early Club 8am - 9am and a Late Club 3pm - 5pm (4pm on Fridays).

Early Years Funded hours can be taken at any time, spaces permitting.

For more information please contact us directly.

Learning and Curriculum


At The Lighthouse Preschool, a range of strategies are used to ensure that each child reaches their potential. Activities are designed so that children can maintain interest, gain confidence and have fun while they are learning, which is personalised through careful observation of every individual and by each teacher responding to the detailed knowledge of the children in their care.   We use Blossom, an online app, which parents can access and contribute to.  Our aim is that our children will make a highly successful transition from preschool to primary school.  

Inspire - our curriculum intent


Content in progress.

Guide- our curriculum implementation


Content in progress.

Shine - our curriculum impact


Content in progress.